My Experience as an intern at Rapipay

nehal varshney
3 min readMay 8, 2022


My internship at Rapipay Fintech Pvt Ltd began on 13th September. 2021.In the staring I was a little skeptical about joining the company as it was a very new start-up which was not really known to me, but joining it truly changed my life in an extremely positive way. It was quite an overwhelming experience at first because of the new change in life, where I suddenly entered the corporate world from a carefree college life. It took me quite a while to adjust into this brand-new environment for me, yet everyone including my seniors were so welcoming that my fear started to disappear within a few days, and I made some really good new friends with the interns who had joined along with me. For the first six months, Rapipay made us go through a formal training where we gained some immense knowledge about the working of a Fintech company, what technologies and security patterns it follows and what is required to be efficient in a corporate world. Then the entire batch of 80 interns was divided into two batches of 40 each so that each batch could be trained for the required tech stack efficiently.

In the first month of tech training, we were brushed through the basic and most used concepts of Java and Springboot as the company uses the same for implementing their code. Further we went through a full stack training that included everything from frontend to testing and then deployment on cloud. Over the 6 months of my journey I got introduced to various technologies and how to effectively use them which included node js, react , AWS, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Postman, Swagger, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Hibernate, Angular, TypeScript to name a few. We were given various mini projects such as creating APIs to generate and validate OTP,API to create Loan Product attributes and calculate emi , frontend and backend for a calculator etc. and then validating our written code through swagger and postman and then deploying it on docker and Kubernetes to get a hang of the technologies being taught to us.

After the successful completion of my 6 months training, I was assigned as a Full time Devops Engineer in NYE, which is one of the four teams that have been formulated at Rapipay. which was quite exciting and interesting, since this field is rapidly growing and is in great demand and made me learn quite a lot about cloud, especially about the AWS platform that I found very engrossing since the time it was taught in my university. My role as Devops Engineer included some very new tasks for me such as creating a CICD pipeline, deploying the code coming from the backend team on docker and Kubernetes, generating logs to monitor the overall function of the code and managing virtual instances to ensure proper load balancing so as to avoid usage failures.

So far my experience in the company has been extremely great, where along with working we also have some great fun activities every week and I am really grateful about having a very supportive team that always helps me and motivates me , making it a great learning experience.

